Monday, April 5, 2010

Developing Visual-Motor Skills

by Nancy B. Lewis, O.D.

Visual-motor development implies much more than handwriting. Children need to be able to use their hands and eyes as paired tools. Following are some activities that develop visual-motor skills. Remember, developmental age is more important than chronological age; a child is as old as he/she acts.

Primary School (4-8)

This is a crucial age when the larger body is becoming stronger, and children learn how to use incrementally smaller parts. The ultimate goal is for the eyes to move independently of the head and for the fingers and joints of the hand to move without the shoulder and upper arm. Most four year olds are still most comfortable standing up and drawing at an easel. Some have adequate control and can sit and write with chunky markers. Erasable boards on the wall are good transitions from easels to tables.

Primary children love playing flashlight games. Name an object in the room and see who can shine the beam on it first. Older children can chase a beam with their flashlights. Take turns leading and chasing.

Geoboards encourage visual motor development. A geoboard is a square piece of wood with nails evenly spaced in rows and columns. Four inches square is a good size. Make patterns by stretching rubber bands over the nails. Have the child copy designs. Use one or two bands for younger children and increase the complexity for older ones.

Elementary School (9-13)

By this age, children have good manual dexterity and are able to use their eyes to give meaning to what they see. Refining these skills allows them automatically to learn how to write cursive script. By now, it is imperative that the left-to-right and up-down progressions are fully intact. Using carpentry tools and cooking and sewing materials for short, simple projects is appealing to this age.

Games such as Chinese Checkers and Othello encourage visual-motor and visual-spatial development. Complex arts and crafts projects are popular. Putting together models, making jewelry, knitting and other crafts all encourage good eye-hand coordination.

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